Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well it is that time of the year again. I sat yesterday and started my journal, the same one I start every new year and say I am going to write in it. I always have good intentions, but I never follow through! I just think it would be neat for my girls one day to sit and read about things that went on, struggles I had and made it through, and of course how much I loved them and their daddy. I often question some things I write down; like when Ryan and I have had a disagreement. Then I think, I want them to know marriage DOES take work, it's not always easy! So I just write, because they know I am not perfect and I don't try to act as if I am.

As many of my family and close friends know, Ryan and I celebrated 9 years on December 31. Wow! 9 years and feels like 20! LOL! Just joking! Ryan surprised me and sent flowers. I think this is probably the 4th time he has ever sent flowers. They were beautiful! I worked for half a day at Farm Bureau, so the flowers just brightened my desk and my day. We went to Adam and Nicole's house for the evening. We had such a wonderful time. There were 8 other couples there and we played games and snacked, played games and get the point! LOL! We have enjoyed spending our anniversary (the past 2 years) with this group of friends. We are in the planning stage to do something next year to celebrate our 10 year! We would like to go on some type of trip, we are just brainstorming now. So if any of you have a suggestion, let me know.

As for my New Year's Resolutions, I have made a few:

1. As many of you know I have been working hard to lose weight. I know this will probably always be a struggle for me; but I am going to try to keep up the work. I work out at least 4 days, try for 5, most weeks. I try not to drink much else than water. And I have truly been watching my protion sizes. My goal this year is to maintain this way of life without obssessing over it. I have lost 25 lbs since August. This is huge for me! I feel so much better.

2. Try to join into some group. Since Ryan and I stopped helping with the Jr. High at church, I have become idle. I did start the Bible Study this fall, but then ended up working on the day of the study for the last 4 weeks of it. I am just struggling as to what group I want to join. It seems like so many things go on during the school week, that I hate to give up an evening with my kiddos and husband. This is the area I need to work on the most. I need to reconnect with the women of my church and our community. It becomes so easy for me to isolate myself.

3. Read my Bible EVERY day! This is a huge one in my life. I read it occassionally, but I can truly tell by my attitude or the way life is going that I need to make this a priority.

4. Have more patience with the ones I love. Laugh more often with the ones I love. Treasure the small things that brighten my day. Don't stress all the time about things I have no control over. Live Life! Enjoy Life! LOVE!

I am sure there are so many more things I would like to work on, or as some of you are thinking, that I need to work on. These were the ones that laid on my heart and mind yesterday. I just want to be a mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend that is someone that you will remember as loving life, enjoying family, and living like there is no tomorrow. To each of you that read this, hold me accountable and encourage me.

Now that I have finished rambling, I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year! If you made resolutions, I pray that you stay determined and on track. Enjoy your families and friends, tell them often that you love them and show them through your actions! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

1 comment:

Nic said...

Like the new blog design . . . I need to update mine too. Maybe today! I enjoyed reading your resolutions!! Love you girl! Wish we could have celebrated at Adam and Nicole's with ya!