Friday, January 23, 2009

Time to Catch Up!

Our Little Chef in the Making

Aunt Heather, Uncle Mike, Paige and Tanner came down last weekend. They were unable to come for Abbey's Birthday, so they brought her gift with them. It was the cutest chef outfit! It came with oven mitts, hat, apron, and a mixing spoon! They had put some cookie mixes in, so we baked! Abbey loves to help in the kitchen, so you can just imagine how it exciting this was! She looks so cute all dressed up ready to help! Paige and Rylee baked in the Easy Bake while we were mixing up the cookie dough! It was a fun time in the kitchen!

January 12, 2009 (Abbey's Acual Birthday)

Today was Abbey's Birthday! It was so funny that morning when we woke her up and sang Happy Birthday, she looked at us and said, "I feel so much bigger today!" Everything she did that day, "she said" she did better because 5 year olds can so that better! She cracks me up!! I had invited the family that is in Fairview, to join us for supper at our house. We had Great-Grandparents, both sets of grandparents, and her Great Aunt and Uncle. We over ate, sang happy birthday, and open gifts! It was a wonderful day and evening!

January 11, 2009

Abbey had 5 of her friends from church and school over to celebrate her birthday. We had pizza and cupcakes with icecream. Abbey is in LOVE with Hannah Montana, so that was our theme. I always try to make things more complicated then they need to be. I wanted to plan things for them to do at the house that evening, and Abbey just said, " I want them to come and play!" WOW, that's a simple plan!!! Abbey had the most wonderful evening. She just kept on and on after her friends had left, about how much fun they had all had and no one even argued. The group of kiddos we had, we wonderful! The house did get loud, but it was full of laughter! I just can not believe "my baby" is 5!

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