Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Totally Forgot....

I just realized that I did not tell you the first memory made with Dude. He went to Grandpa Kelly and Grandma Gail's house, Tuesday Jan. 27. They were watching the girls while we fed cattle and so they wanted to take him there to play with them.

An hour after we left we received a phone call from Rylee and all she said was Grandma fell. I asked if she was okay, what had happened? I handed the phone to Ryan and he talked to his mom. The dog had apparently went between Gail's legs causing her to trip. While Ryan is questioning his mom, we find out she can't get up off the floor and she thinks something is broken. "Oh Lord Help Us, Please!"

Since we were out at the ranch, we could not get back quickly and Kelly beat us there. Once we got to their house, Gail was still on the floor and my girls had taken care of her by giving her a pillow and cover. Dude had ran into the closet where he remained until we were ready to head home.

Ryan got his mother off the floor and into the car. Kelly took her to the hospital where they found out, she had broken her arm in 2 spots. She went to her doctor in OKC where they said it was all aligned right and sent her home to heal. She does not have a cast on it, due to the break being so high on the arm. She is hoping her local doctor will put a cast on it, just so it doesn't move so much. I will keep you updated on her progress.

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