Thursday, December 18, 2008


Well I would like to say I am ready, but the truth is, I still haven't gotten into the mood yet! I love Christmas time, something is just missing this year. I don't know if it's the financial crunch or just me. We usually don't spend a lot on gifts anyway, but being on a tighter budget makes buying on the whim (sp?) so much harder! My girls put me in the mood every evening when we do the count down and the "I hope I gets" and the "I am so excited!" (Yes that is still a frequently used sentence with Ms. Abbey). Everything excites her, sometimes I would love to look through her eyes at the details of my life and maybe I wouldn't take them so hard. I doubt I would get "so excited" about them, but maybe some wouldn't seem as bad.

This Sunday is our Church's Christmas Program. I am excited this year, mostly because it is involving our entire Church Family. We have the little ones singing, the K through 6th singing 4 songs, some adults singing and Travis has put together some of the high schoolers to lead in worship. I am truly looking forward to this night. I love to sing and I truly love to celebrate and worship our Lord with music. Of course, Abbey is "so excited"and I believe Rylee may have even used those words! My kiddos love to sing also, they must have gotten that from me!

I recently joined facebook and am trying to figure out that whole world. I have reconnected with some of my good friends from high school and it has been wonderful getting to catch us with them. This is all so new to me, the way technology can keep you in touch and you see what everyone has written. IT'S CRAZY!

I took Abbey to pick out a gift for Rylee yesterday. It was HILARIOUS! Everytime she would find something, she would say, "Maybe we should get 2, one for me and one for Rylee." Bless her heart, I would explain we are shopping for Rylee. Then she would find something she wanted and would tell me, "let's just get this and you tell Rylee this is what I wanted from her". So again I would have to explain. Finally we decided on one gift and her ending remark was, "You ARE going to make her share with me, right?" I LOVE IT!!!

Abbey and the Pre-K class went to the Fellowship Home to sing Christmas carols and hand out cards. I love this part of Christmas, watching the children brighten those adults lives and they don't even have a clue that they have touched their hearts. This is Christmas! This is the part of the Holidays I love. Reaching out to the community and making someone else's day seem a little brighter!


Taking the No FB challenge! said...

I really miss you guys :( I might throw a New Year's Eve party, not sure yet, but if I do you're more than welcome to come join us. You should try to get on myspace, I can be your personal page establishment consultant - LOL! We'll definitely have to get down to see you guys soon!

Lisa said...

I'm looking forward to the program too. It's always so fun to see the kids up there all dressed up and singing with so much excitement!

We had fun at the SS party tonight. Kinda glad Travis didn't end up with Todd's gift though! :) I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!