Monday, December 15, 2008

Getting in the Christmas Mood!

My loving husband was so eager (not the right word) to put lights on the house. While he worked on the lights, Rylee and Abbey decided to Christmas Carol to him. It was the cutest thing. Abbey got so tickled at Ryan, he had Abbey's Dora stocking hat on. I tried to get it in the pic but I am not sure you can see Dora. You can see that it has a pink stripe around the hat though. Real men can wear pink, that still doesn't explain why Ryan felt he could though! Just joking I love him dearly!!
After the caroling, we all went inside and baked bread and dipped pretzels. The girls love to help in the kitchen and we all had a great time. Abbey just told me, "Remember to tell everyone you give this to, that Rylee and I helped and it is from us too!" So I have told everyone, and it is amazing how the goodies taste so much better when two little girls made them.!

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