Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just thinking....

Well my first thought or prayer this morning was for Aunt Debbie. She found out yesterday, on her birthday, that she has breast cancer. They believe they have caught it at a very early stage. She goes to the city Monday to do a scan and make sure it isn't anywhere else. She was very positive about it last night. I on the other hand, just cried when I heard the news. It seems everywhere I turn there are lives being affected by this disease! I just ask that everyone keeps her and her family in your prayers. She is hoping to have her surgery as soon as possible.

Fire Proof, if you haven't seen this movie - GO SEE IT! No matter where your marriage life is, this movie will hit home. This truly was a wonderful movie with a wonderful point. Take your man and enjoy!

Dick Shewey family is laying Dick to rest this morning. This death was such an unexpected event. I know his health and mental health were struggling, but this was a shock to me. I worked at the Funeral Home yesterday, and it was amazing to see how many lives were touched by Dick. The flowers were overflowing and the cards and monetary donations in his name were so many. When I take a moment to think about this, I wonder, how many lives have I touched in a way that they will remember me. Dick will be missed by many and my prayers are with the family, especially Marcia.

Then the obvious comes to mind. EXACTLY 2 WEEKS, 14 DAYS, UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Where has the time gone. I thought I was doing pretty good on time, I went shopping black Friday and thought I was ahead of the game this year. That is the only shopping I have done!!! No I am not joking, I am so far behind!!!

Well thank you for reading my rambling today. I just have so many things going on lately, I needed somewhere to scribble a few. I hope everyone else is done or close to done on their shopping. Enjoy the season!


Sweet Pea said...

If it makes you feel any better, I haven't even started Christmas shoppping yet. Yes, I'm starting to panic!!! Every year I say "next year, I'm going to have all my christmas shopping done by December so I can relax in the month of December." HA!!
We're praying for your Aunt Debbie. Have a good day!

Lisa said...

My prayers will be with Debbie. My heart goes out to her and her family. My mom had breast cancer, so anytime I hear of someone I know that has it, it hits close to home for me.

We loved the movie Fireproof! Gave me some things to think about!

Nic said...

I can't believe the news about Debbie. Jason just told me about it last night. We are praying for her!! Same thing with Dick's family . . . wish we could have been at that funeral. Love ya Monica!!