Monday, March 8, 2010

Rylee Hunter Wahl

The smallest blessing in our life was born 9 years ago today. So small and fragile, she could fit in her daddy's hand and fill her parents heart. I can sit here and close my eyes and picture my 3.1 lb baby, as if it were yesterday. I can still remember the fear and love in the new daddy's eyes, along with the beating of my heart when I would think of all the "what ifs". Once so tiny and dependent, she is now so beautiful and strong spirited. She has amazed us as parents with each passing day and she is the reason I stop " to smell the roses". A stranger would never know of her story by just looking at her, but you my friends were more than likely a part of that story...either by being there at the hospital while I had my stay, sending cards, calling, bringing us food when we made it home; but most of you by praying for us. We never really received an answer as to why my water broke 3 months early; they figure it was due to stress of losing my grandmother the month before...I still to this day believe it was God's hand...He knew Ryan and I were not prepared to be the parents we are today. The 2 month journey brought Ryan and I closer in our marriage, and that in return molded us to be the parents God wanted us to be. Rylee has been blessed in so many ways...the most important to us as parents is that she has never had anything severly wrong with her due to her early arrival. She is not as tall as her classmates, but then she could have just gotten that from her mother!! She has 1 tiny scar where they had placed a tube in her collasped lung, and I always tell her that is there to remind her (and us) that she is so special!! I can not believe how well she has grown up. We are very proud parents...she is kind, loving, funny, thoughtful, beautiful inside and out, and she is ours!!! Happy 9th birthday Rylee. I am so thankful to have you in our lives!!

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