Monday, March 16, 2009


Wow, only 10 weeks left of school after Spring Break?! Where did this year go?

So we aren't leaving town this week, due to I work 3 days out of the 5 and money!!! Don't worry I am not even going to start down that would take you days to read that blog! LOL!!

Anyway today I am at work and my mother calls and says Rylee's fingernail is pulled up and off, except for the very back of it!! Yeah, first thought was, "GROSS!" Second thought was "Poor thing, here I am at work and she is having a melt down about this!" And third was, "What in the world can I do for her?"

So I left work, even though my boss was not here today. I left a note and took off. When I got to my mom's house, there Rylee is all red faced and desperate looking...yes, broke my heart!! I called a good friend that happens to be a nurse and she gave me advice on how to trim it and bandage it up. Needless to say, she didn't look quite as terrified when I left; but she was still crying. I called a few hours later to make sure the drama had gone away and she was outside enjoying the beautiful day!!

For those that didn't read it on my blog a couple of weeks ago; Rylee's finger was smashed by a scooter you sit on during PE at school. It has taken 2 weeks for it to finally fall off. I did some research today and it will probably take up to 6 months for her nail to grow back...That seems like a long time to me!!

1 comment:

Nic said...

OUCH!!!! My toe hurts just thinking of it! You're a great mom to go home to bandage her up!! Aren't moms the best? I wish my mom could stop in to always "bandage" up my hurts. HA!