Monday, March 2, 2009

Crazy weeks...

Wow, it has been a while since I last blogged. Life seems to be picking up around the Wahl house.

I encouraged both of my girls to get involved this year, become social. Little did I know that meant I would have to be more social, WHAT WAS I THINKING! LOL! Those of you who know me well, know this is hard on me to be the outgoing social bug! Any how, I did the whole Soccer World thing to get necessities. I did not realize I would need a loan to get them ready for a sport...HA HA! Anyway I took some pics of them and will have them on her later. They both look so cute with their soccer socks all the way to the knees. Rylee has truly taken a liken to it. She enjoys going, but I am sure it helps that 2 of her good friends on the team. Abbey liked the first 2 practices, but last practice they scrimage another Fairview team and she got "scared" from all the parents watching. Needless to say, Daddy will be going with Abbey to practice. Most of you moms know what I am talking about, I just held her and made her watch the game, Ryan would have "helped" her back on the field. So to make our week crazy, Abbey has practices on Monday and Thursday nights and Rylee has practices on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Then our games are on Saturdays from this Sat to April 18. WHAT WAS I THINKING!!! Ha Ha!

Ryan and I took a night away to OKC. We went and heard NO JUSTICE at the Wormy Dog in downtown. We saw quite a few people from the Fairview area. We took one of Ryan's co-workers, Jeremy Brinson, and Heather and Mike went with us. The band sounded great. We were on the fourth row from the front....I love that was good!!

Sunday night, lastnight, our church voted on wether to go forward with the new MBY building. After the presentation and good questions and concerns, the vote passed! The building will be on it's way! It saddened me how many people showed up for the meeting concerning money; but when we have meetings concerning the well-being of our church and church family and how to get us from here to there, only a fourth of the people show up. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome to see that many come to vote for the MBY building! God has something big planned for MB Church.

I recently put my name in to be on the Fellowship Home Board. I am doing this for so many reasons I won't bore you with my list. I would like to ask for prayer that I will use this experience to help better the care of the residents and the workers. I also would like prayer that I find patience and understanding, as of right now I have many questions as to why a board would allow some things I have heard about. Please keep the Fellowship employees and residents in your prayers.

1 comment:

Nic said...

You have been busy. Why do they have to make kids sports so time consuming . . . the league around here that we joined for basketball was ONE night. They practice the first 20 minutes and then have a game. He may do the soccer league like that too. DO they really have to have 2 nights of practices, plus a game they're SIX?? Anyways, off my soap box. I'm so glad you and Ryan got out of town for a night out. FUN!! Miss ya,