Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Best Way to Spend a Birthday

Wow! 31 years old. It seems like only yesterday....yeah yeah! LOL! Anyway, yesterday was the big 31 for me. I woke like every other morning, running late! Ha! Ryan wished me a Happy Birthday and off to work he went. I dropped the kiddos off and went to work out. Just another ordinary day. Then a special friend, Marshalene, which emailed me the night before wanted to meet for lunch. I thought this would be a nice way to spend my day, with a friend at lunch. Abbey and I arrived a Mel's and to my surprise, she had invited 2 more of my friends, Cinnamon and Lisa. Let me just tell you, it has been a very long time since a friend took a special interest in celebrating my birthday. My family always makes it special in one way or another, but it has been a while since a friend gave me such a blessing. I had so much fun visiting with these gals and Abbey was such a well behaved little girl while we ate. Marshalene will never know the impact her thoughtfulness had on me yesterday. Every now and then I think we all just need to feel special, and that is exactly what I felt yesterday! Thank you ladies for taking time out of your day to spend with me!

Then last night we went out to eat with my mom and dad, Grandma Frances and Lyndon, and Kelly. Along with Ryan and the girls. It was so funny before we left to eat. Abbey was so concerned because she had not gotten me a birthday gift. I told her I would just love a card that she made, so she took off to make it. A little later she wants a gift bag, because she knows exactly what she wants me to have. I knew this would be good, so we found a gift bag. Away she went and came back with the bag and one of her baby dolls in it. Of course I was not suppose to see the doll. Later when Ryan came home, she was upset because he had not given me anything, so they found him a gift bag. Yes ladies, my man goes all out!! LOL!! So, I couldn't talk her into letting me open them at home, she wanted me to open them in front of everyone at dinner. YEAH! After we eat she is so eager for me to open the gift. To Grandma Frances confused look, I pull out a baby doll. Grandma asks me, did she really pick that out for you, so I filled her in on the story and we chuckle. Then I open Ryan's little bag to find peanuts from the COOP. Needless to say my gifts were very "unusual" for the people around us. Oh well! Abbey was beaming from ear to ear. It was priceless.

And this was the best way I could have every spent my birthday. I feel blessed to have such a loving family and caring friends. Thank you for making me realize I am special!


Lisa said...

What a great picture of the 3 of you! And I love the picture at the top of your blog too! Glad I could come eat with you yesterday and I'm glad you had a good birthday!

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed your birthday. I hope you ended up gettign your card from our family. After I put it in the mail I couldn't remember if I'd put a stamp on it...pregnancy brain I guess!