Friday, February 6, 2009

My World....

I have one of those days...maybe you have had them. Things about "what could be" or "what may happen in life", have floated through my mind all day. This always brings me down some and makes me stop and think. But I didn't let it get me down today. I just thought of all the positives in life, and my two girls are in the top three of my true positives.

Today though I just sat and watched my girls. I "stopped and smelled my roses" you could say. Sometimes life just seems to be flying by so fast and I am afraid I am going to miss out if I don't slow down.

Abbey played outside most of the afternoon, it was 73 out today. We cleaned the garage and picked up the back porch. She was so excited just to help! She was a sweeping machine. I found myself just smiling and watching her. She is just such the perfect gift from God. How He chose me to take care of His child while on earth, I will never know, but will always be grateful.

Then this evening I watched as Rylee was playing basketball in the barn. She has just amazed me from day one, being 3 months early and so little. I was so sure Ryan and I were going to break her. I can still recall the night the hospital called, I had come home to get a good nights sleep, and told us if we would come stay the night at the hospital with her she could come home the next day. I absolutely panicked! I called my mom crying, I just didn't know if we were ready for her. She was only 3.7 lbs when we were able to bring her home. Now I watch as my little girl is in 2nd grade, spreading her wings and trying new things like basketball and soccer. She simply amazes me.

There are so many things in this life that I am truly thankful for: my health, my family's health, my hubby, my friends, my family, my community, my church family, and so many more I could name. The most precious gift my God has given me, during my time on this earth, is being a mom to these two special girls. They can brighten my mood in a single smile and make me laugh more than anyone else I know. I am truly blessed. To God be the glory!

1 comment:

Nic said...

You have the cutest girls . . . God did bless you! And God blessed these girls with an amazing mom!!!!!!!!
Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I'm glad you had a nice lunch with girlfriends!!!!! Wish I could have joined you . . . or that I would have at least REMEBERED it was your birthday!!! Love ya!