Friday, January 23, 2009


For those of you who do not know, Fairview launched a city wide weight loss challenge. They encouraged all the local businesses to put a team together. They did the initial weigh in January 12, 2009. I have no clue to the number of people who acutually joined, but the fitness center was packed the evening of weigh-in. It was really exciting to see the amount of interest this brought from our community. I say that; but now there are at least 7 to 10 cars at the fitness center and I just can not work out with that many people around me! LOL! So I have changed my routine, and go from 9:30 to 11;00. It has been interesting to see people come out and join in! I am excited to see the outcome at our last weigh-in in 3 months!

Any how, I joined the team for the Funeral Home. It consist of Tracy Goodson, Sharla Gould, Ruth Ann Miller, Me, and Ryan Wahl. Yep you read it! LOL! Ryan joined our team. He hasn't changed many of his eating habits, but knowing him, he will still out lose me in the last 2 weeks! That just BURNS ME!!! Ha Ha! But seriouly, our team decided to do a weekly weigh-in among ourselves to keep us motivated. If we gain, we pay $1 for each pound. We will have a box at the office that keeps the money and at the end of the challenge; whoever is the biggest loser in our team-- gets the money!!! Hopefully (for our team), there will be no money to be gotten, but we all know it is hard to lose every week!

So I was going to keep you updated on Ryan and I's total weight loss during the challenge. I know you really want to know!! LOL! As of last Monday, on our first weigh-in between our team; Ryan had lost 1.5 and I had lost 3.5! For many of you, you know I started my weight loss challenge in August. As always I have been struggling and working to keep it off. I even joined the gem, which I swore I would never do!!!! LOL! Anyway with this weeks weight loss, I hit 25 pounds lost since August. PTL! Weight has always been a struggle for me to keep it off, but working out has shown me alot about myself. If I want it bad enough; I am going to have to put the work in and get SWEATY! UUGGG! I hate sweating! LOL!


Sweet Pea said...

You look great! Keep up the good work! I wish I could stay that dedicated. I've discovered that losing weight after you have a kid is no small challenge! :) Love the pics of your little chef too.

Lisa said...

Wow, 25 pounds! That's awesome! Way to go! I'm not looking forward to getting back into a routine of exercising after the baby is born. I'm not as dedicated as you!