Friday, November 21, 2008

1 WEEK !

Wow! I was looking a Nicole's blog and realized only 1 week until Thanksgiving?! Wow! This year is almost over. Is it me or did the time fly? I liked Nic's idea of putting things she is thankful for on her blog for the next week. The one thing I have been truly thankful for this year, are my friendships! Not just with my girlfriends; but with my hubby!

I have enjoyed being invited and going deer hunting with him these past few months. He has never shot at one while I am with him (I am not sure if he knows it might make me cry or if he is afraid he will miss! LOL!) but we have seen a few. It is so amazing to sit outside, in God's beautiful creation, and watch his creatures wonder. And by the way I am sure it is the second, I would never let him live it down if he missed an easy shot! LOL! I know it sounds corny, but I love it when it is just him and I and the peace around us. We hardly talk, yet there is something special about those moments.

Anyway for my girlfriends, you know who you are, I wouldn't be half the person I am today. I love to go workout, not by myself, with Nicole. It gives us time to unwind, discuss,laugh,or cry (when lifting :) I love to go watch movies with my friends. And I love to blog with my friends. I love being able to keep in touch and know what is going on in their lives, even though there is so much distance between a few of us (NIC)!

Our Sunday School Class is an awesome group of people. We are all so different and bring so many different point of views to the topic. Ryan and I truly love our class. We may not say much, but it is the best part of our Sunday routine. We have so many different "relationships" with our classmates. I keep all of them in my thoughts and prayers. We are having an adult night out tonight! We found sitters for the church and the adults are going to get our "Bowl On"! I hope alot show up. I am going to take my camera so I will try to catch some shots for everyone and blog them soon.

We are having some huge issues in the 2nd grade!!!! Can you believe it? The first would be, a girl told Rylee Hanah Montana was pregnant!! Rylee was torn up about it :) She said, "You know she isn't old enough to be married, Mom?" Mom thought, " Just keep that way of thinking and your dad and I won't have to worry!" LOL! So thankfully Aunt Heather search and found it was all a lie! IMAGINE THAT IN HOLLYWOOD :) Needless to say Rylee was pretty relieved about it :) She is sooo cute. Then we have a little girl that sets the way at school. If she doesn't like what you wear, at our house, we don't wear it again. If she doesn't want you to play with "her group", you don't! I tried to tell her not to let it get her down. How do you explain to a 7 year old, she has a lifetime to put up with people like this. I just said, "When she tells you you can't play, just smile and say okay and go somewhere else." I hope if she starts thinking it doesn't bother them, maybe she'll quit. Who knows! WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? :)

Remeber my family in your prayers and I will yours. Sometimes during the holidays, as much fun as they can be, we stray from the true meaning of it all. I'll pray for all my friends to have a stress free holiday! Ones filled with love and family! May God Bless You All!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Getting our kicks on Route 66

The Wahl girls decided to take a trip to OKC to visit Aunt Heather, Paige, and Tanner (Ryan and Mike are still in McAlester deer hunting). We wanted to do something cheap, but fun for the kiddos, so we decided to go to POPS on Route 66 in Arcadia. It was an interesting building and had rows and rows of bottled drinks (I believe it said they had over 500 drinks to choose from) all around the windows. They also had many "souveniours" to purchase. We chose to eat lunch here, and we were sat outside after a 20 minute wait. The food was priced reasonably cheap and everything tasted good; but the service was nothing to brag about. The girls thought it was pretty neat for the first 10 minutes, then they were over it! LOL! It was one of those places I can say we have been there and probably won't go back. Anyway here are some pics from the day.

Go Jackets....

Lastnight they had 55 girls, ages Pre-K to 5th grade, that cheered at the Fairview Yellow Jackets football game at half time. They were all so excited and so cute to watch. (I still cannot believe that Abbey is already old enough to do these events.) The day they had "Cheer Camp", Abbey was so excited I didn't know what to do with her. First of all, she was going to Rylee's school and second, because she was going to stand next to Sydney Martens. She had it all planned before she really even knew what she was doing. I got a kick out of her telling me what her plans were, and how she was "going to cheer by Sydney". Both girls did an excellent job. I haven't laughed and smiled so hard in a long time. During the dance Abbey was in her own little world, and then she would look around and notice she wasn't doing the same thing as anyone else. I had tears coming down, I was laughing so hard at Abs. All the little girls that age were so cute!! It was a fun evening. Ryan is still in McAlester hunting deer, so I took some video ( which I put on here also) but it sure doesn't show how precious the moments were while watching both our little girls "being cheerleaders"!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Wow! Can you believe Halloween has come and gone! Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Where has this year gone?! We made jack-o-laterns the night before, and the girls loved that! They both have such vived imaginations. Rylee takes anything that has to do with art and crafts seriously, maybe I have an artist in the making? This was Abbey's first year to get "really excited" about trick or treating. (I don't know how many times we have heard this phrase from Abbey this year. She is always really excited, or this is so exciting. LOL) We had a good day with all the school parties and uptown treating.(all the sugar!) I think the girls truly enjoyed the night treating because we all went, even RYAN! LOL! This is definetly not something Ryan usually does without "complaining", but this year he truly enjoyed himself and kept telling the girls, "You both need to get a little more excited about this. Run up to the doors, yell trick or treat." Those of you who truly know our girls, would be amazed at how mellow they were. Ryan kept asking me, "Didn't you run off without your parents when you were younger?" Although I was excited that they chose to stay beside us, I do remember running from house to house with my parents a block or so behind us. LOL! There were too many pics to just put a few, so I made a slide. Hope everyone is well.