Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We went camping with Dallas, Misty, and Sterling Cooper at the Salt Plains National Park. It was a last minute idea, so it wasn't a long trip; but it was a lot of fun for the entire family.

They had a little park that Ryan and I took the kiddos to and they played for a while. Sterling loved to do anything the girls were doing and he liked to take pics with them also. We went to the spillway and saw fish, birds, turtles, and snakes! The girls enjoyed picking flowers on our walk and made a beautiful bouqet for the camper!

We fished, but Rylee was the only one to catch a fish the entire day we were there. She caught a 5lb catfish. She didn't really want to hold it, but she did for the pic.

Rylee and I went on a nature hike, just the 2 of us. She loves the outdoors and exploring. They had a blind set up to sit behind where they had put bird feeders up in an opening of trees. We did not see any birds when we took the trail, but it was a neat idea.

It was a fun and relaxing weekend. We had a great time with our friends and our girls. We hope to do more camping trips this summer!

Paige's Dance Recital

My niece Paige had a dance recital in OKC on Saturday that the whole family attended. It was all the classes that the Dance School taught. They had 2 and 3 year olds, which were so precious, all the way to Seniors. They had some very talented kiddos on the stage.

After the recital, we went to On the Border, to celebrate Paige's 15th birthday which is May 29. After we left the restraunt Mike and Ryan spotted airplanes (model) being flown in a park by Hefner Lake, so we stopped in to watch them. We were there for maybe 5 minutes and a guy crashed a big model plane into the ground. It was something to see. Mike and Ryan thought it was "AWESOME" of course, but I felt bad for the owner, that is an expensive hobby. After our entertainment we went to Heather and Mike's house and ate cookie cake. The girls then went outside to do cartwheels, and Paige attempted them also!

It was a good day. I am still amazed that the first baby in my life, to make me know what it meant to love something that you hardly know unconditionally, is turning 15 this weekend. She has turned out to be such a beautiful young lady, inside and out. She will always be my Paiger! Happy Birthday Paiger, I love you!

Last Day of School

Wow! May 22, 2009 was the last time my oldest was a 2nd grader and the last time my youngest was a Pre-K (er). Both of my girls have grown so much over the past year, it still blows me away.

Rylee is at that age that when no one her age is around, she wants to interact with the adults. And when that is not possible, she plays mother hen to the younger children. I can still remember all my fears when she laid in the hospital bed, straining for each breath. I still remember how her tiny fingers felt in my hand and her little feet that were always red from them taking blood there, and I look at them now and it takes my breath away. So many things that could have been wrong with my child, or made her different from the children her age and she turned out "perfect" in every way to her family. She is living proof that there is a God, and isn't He amazing. We have had many lessons this year about the facts of life. We dealt with friends not wanting to be friends anymore. Cuss words that came from friends mouths to other friends, yes in the 2nd grade, can you believe it? I was in SHOCK! We have had many "boyfriend" issues this year and the little boys would bring fake rings to school for the girls. IN THE 2ND GRADE!!! We had a great year though and she is looking forward to the 3rd grade.

Well, I don't know if it is because Abbey is my baby or what, but I was very emotional when I went to pick up Abs. I had tears in my eyes just watching her class play and have snack. Mrs. McGolden had a sad song on and she was crying. I felt silly being the only MOM with tears running down my cheeks, so I went outside for a little while. Mrs. McGolden taught both of my girls and she truly has a gift with this age of children. I have been blessed to have her as the starting point of both my girls school careers. Abbey had an awesome year and learned more than I ever thought possible. She loves school just as much as Rylee, but she learns in such a different way. All of the teachers that both girls have had, Church teachers and School teachers, have already told me how different the girls are; but how they both just have a love for learning. Abbey and Syndney Martens are still best buddies and it was funny to listen to them talk at times. One of them would say, "Sydney" wanted to make friends with Annissa, so we played with her. Or vice versa. They are so cute!

I am now the parent of a 3rd grader and a Kindegartner. I am sure next year will be an experience!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Past Weekend...

So this weekend was packed full of having fun with friends. On Friday night, Nicole and Adam Martens, Melanie and Tim Haworth, Austin and Sara Hurst, and Ryan and I all drove to OKC to surprise Dawn Unruh for her birthday (Kory was there also). We had dinner at a Japanese restraunt, where they cook and perform in front of you. They all said it was like Show Guns? (I think that was the name) but I had never been anywhere like it. We had so much fun and the food was fabulous. After dinner we went to the Looney Bin and whatched a comedian/hyptonist ( I know my spelling is incorrect sorry!) It was funny! We all got home around 2 in the morning. Thank goodness we had grandparents willing to let our girls stay the night, Ryan and I slept in on Saturday!

Saturday we went over to Gail and Kelly's house and visited Lisa and her family. Micah James is already 8 pounds and 10 ounces. He is such a good baby. Rylee and Abbey got to hold him and now they think we need a baby too. Along with their daddy! (I am so happy with life the way it is right now. I enjoy my girl's ages and having fun and being able to do alot more. Number 3 just isn't in me!!) Any how Molly turned 4 last week. She is getting so big. We all went in together and bought her a big girl bike with training wheels. She loved it!! And Ellary is getting big also. She is so quiet, but she has an awnry streak in her. I just love our neices and NEPHEW!

Saturday evening we headed back to OKC to stay with my sister and her family. There was a fundraiser for Cancer Research that we took part in....don't judge until you try. We did Pole Aerobics. It was a blast. Heather and I felt awkward and nervous at first, but we had a lot of funny by the time the evening was over. I never imagined that I would work up a sweat like I did. It worked alot of your muscles. I woke up Sunday with a few bruises and sore muscles. If you ever get the chance, try it once. I bet you will have fun too...!