Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WOW! I am behind!

Well let's see I am so far behind, where shall I start....

Abbey's class went to the McGolden's sheep farm for an Easter egg hunt and snack picnic. The kiddos had a blast! While I was helping other mothers hide the eggs, there was a snake that slithered by my feet, close to my hands and in a hole! Needless to say, I screamed like a little girl- I hate those things being that close to me!!

We had our last soccer games, Saturday the 25. Both my girls lost their games but they had a fun day. Rylee plans on taking soccer both seasons next year, she really took to the sport and had a lot of fun! Abbey, well we will see where here mood leads her when the time comes next year!

We had hail, tornado warning, and wind last Saturday night. The sirens went off in town, along with the electricity. After the hail left Ryan and I stood on our front lawn and watched all the "possible" tornados West and East of Fairview. We actually saw 2 for sure, that formed and came down and then went back up. It was amazing!!

Ryan and I went to a No Justice concert in OKC at the end of March. We went with my sister Heather and her husband Mike. I just added a couple of pics of us, since I hardly ever put any on here that aren't of my children. LOL! You know me, I hate to be in pics!

Other than that it has been rather quiet around our house. Ryan's job slowed down for 2 weeks, but they have gotten quite a bit of work booked for now. I have been filling in at Farm Bureau more often and that keeps me busy. Only about 4 more weeks of school left, I can not believe it!! It is already time to start making summer plans!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Rylee had her 2nd grade play and the name of it was "Nuts". It was about the circle of life. Mrs. Kusch and all the 2nd graders did an outstanding job. Rylee was a rain drop and she just sparkled with enthusiasm!! It was been so much fun watching my daughter blosom right before my eyes this year . She has become a very confident and beautiful (inside and out) young lady this year.

She has really taken an interest in soccer; which has been fun to watch. She is breaking out of her shell and becoming "HER". We are very proud of her. Here are few pics of her at a soccer game and at the play.

Ryan was surprised!

Well, Ryan was totally surprised Friday night when we showed up to the Bowling Alley to eat with "Dallas and Misty Cooper" and found 20 other friends joining us....he was actually blushing and speechless. I loved it!! Mark another one up for me! LOL!

As for the text messages for his birthday, he ended up with about 60 to 70 texts. He said he may have known half of the people who sent them!! He thought that was a lot of fun. He is still smiling about it when someone asks what the total number recieved was. He had a wonderful birthday! Thank you to all my friends, and Ryan's, that joined in the festivities.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ryan is 35!

Wow! It still amazes me that this is the 11th year I have celebrated a birthday with the love of my life...Okay, enough of the serious, now to the funny suff! So I thought I would be funny and send a text to everyone in my phone and asked everyone to send a Birthday Wish! About 30 minutes later, Ryan texted me and said thanks for the 20 something messages...I replied, only 20!! So then I did it! I went to the facebook page and encouraged everyone to send a text!!

I love that man!! Only someone with a good sense of humor would be taking it so well. He has no idea that about 25 of his friends are meeting us at the Bowling Alley for supper and bowling. I hope he has a wonderful day!!

He is the best daddy in the world!! (I know we can all say that about our hubbies, or I hope we can all say it! LOL!) I let the girls get finger paints yesterday and poster board and design their own Birthday "card/sign". Abbey's had a rainbow and clouds and said " Ryan, Happy Birthday. From Abbey" Rylee's had OU all over it, a picture of a bunny in the grass, and a Poem, "Roses are red, Violets are blue, I love you and I hope you do too!" They surprised him this morning with them. So proud and beaming from ear to ear. I love those girls of mine...they are such givers. We had also bought him a football. He wanted one, don't ask me why? Plus a couple of new t-shirts for work and a new dress shirt for Easter. I think he started his birthday off pretty well.

Any way if you read this today or tonight and want to send him a birthday message, please do, I know he likes it!! His number is 580-227-0465. Thanks for sharing his day with him.