Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Totally Forgot....

I just realized that I did not tell you the first memory made with Dude. He went to Grandpa Kelly and Grandma Gail's house, Tuesday Jan. 27. They were watching the girls while we fed cattle and so they wanted to take him there to play with them.

An hour after we left we received a phone call from Rylee and all she said was Grandma fell. I asked if she was okay, what had happened? I handed the phone to Ryan and he talked to his mom. The dog had apparently went between Gail's legs causing her to trip. While Ryan is questioning his mom, we find out she can't get up off the floor and she thinks something is broken. "Oh Lord Help Us, Please!"

Since we were out at the ranch, we could not get back quickly and Kelly beat us there. Once we got to their house, Gail was still on the floor and my girls had taken care of her by giving her a pillow and cover. Dude had ran into the closet where he remained until we were ready to head home.

Ryan got his mother off the floor and into the car. Kelly took her to the hospital where they found out, she had broken her arm in 2 spots. She went to her doctor in OKC where they said it was all aligned right and sent her home to heal. She does not have a cast on it, due to the break being so high on the arm. She is hoping her local doctor will put a cast on it, just so it doesn't move so much. I will keep you updated on her progress.

Sad Morning at the Wahl House

Well if you read my blog a couple of days ago, you know we had a new puppy named Dude. You would have also read our bad luck with dogs. The streak continues. This morning, after Ryan checked 2 times, he ran over Dude. He has no idea where Dude was sitting, but he did not see him either time he checked. So our morning started with tears, tears, and more tears.

I walked Rylee into school so that I could inform Mrs. Wion of what happened and that she would probably be sad most of the day. As I am talking to Mrs. Wion, we here boohooing out of the closet. I went over there and weeped with my daughter. I could not stop the tears. I am upset about the dog, but it is just a dog. My tears came from seeing this broken heart. I just held her and comforted her. What else can you do, losing someone that you have started to love and crying are a part of life.

I cannot even imagine how Ryan truly felt. He liked the dog and we know he had potential to be a very good dog. My heart goes out to my hubby, not only did he lose a good dog but he also saw and heard his little girls crying.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Stillwater for the weekend...

Ryan, me, and the girls went to Stillwater, OK for the weekend. We attended the Young Farmers and Ranchers Winter Conference. For those of you who have no idea what this group is, it is sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance for farmers and ranchers 18 to 35 years of age. They help bring this group of people together that can learn about different cattle opportunities and farming. We actually were on the state committee with this group 3 years ago and then had not gone to anything until this weekend. We truly had a great time.

There were others from Major County that attended the event. Daniel and Kay Koehn went and Ryan, me and the girls got to know them a little better. We truly enjoyed getting to spend some time with them. Kay and I went "looking around the shops" Sat. and Daniel and Ryan took out girls swimming. I am sure this was the highlight of his trip! LOL! Thanks Daniel!

During our stay we went on tours, the first being tour of the ag research department on campus. Very interesting place. I found out a lot I never knew, and probably would have never thought I needed to know. Ha Ha! Then we went to a facility that obtain sperm and eggs from cattle, horses, goats, sheep, and even K-9. They keep them frozen until the owner needs them, and then ship them to the owner. They did an ultrasound of a cow that was pregnant. Rylee got to see this good and thought it was so interesting. Her Cousin Kevin would be SO PROUD!

The highlight of our trip, I say this very jokingly, was the chance to see the OSU Cowgirls play basketball against Texas A&M. As an OU fan, who do you root for!? NEITHER! Although we were surrounded by the enemy, it was mine and the girls first college basketball game, so we made the best of it and CHEERED for OSU. They lost! I had joked about wearing an OU sweatshirt to the game, and although I did not wear one, the OFB pullover I had on was a maroon. Needless to say I sat in a pool of orange with Texas A&M colors on. As if that wasn't scary enough, I went to the restroom after the game and thought I might get beat up by a mob. Not a young one either, these women, YES WOMEN 30 - 60 years old, gave me looks and vibes I wouldn't wish anyone to have to endure. I finally had enough and pointed out that my shirt was Oklahoma Farm Bureau and ran for my life! Not literally, I walked but I did it in a fast pace! HA HA! Any way obviously I survived!

We got to eat lunch with Ryan best friend from high school, Craig Church and wife Jamie and their son Grant. We try to see them whenever we are that way and they do the same when they are back here. Although it is hard to always make time like we should.

Anyway after the traumatic weekend, and now that I am seeing other colors besides orange and black, we are home and rested up from the full weekend. The weather is terrible and there is no school tomorrow, so I am turning off the alarm, cuddling with my man and sleeping in.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Introducing the newest member of the family....


Abbey had the name chose before we even found a dog. She was so proud of herself, and even her big sister liked it. That is probably why she was so proud, it's not often Rylee takes Abbey's side. LOL!

For those of you that do not know our past year. We have lost 2 of our favorite red heelers. Ace, was run over on the highway at the end of May last year; while Ryan and Rylee were near the road and saw the entire thing. Ryan had to help him with his misery. I feel for some of the things "daddy gets to do". Second, we had gotten 2 more red heelers and decided 2 was 1 too many, so we gave one to our friend and kept one. I backed over Jack, which he recovered, only to be ran over in June by our harvest crew coming down our driveway. Needless to say "daddy duty" came into action again!

There was a 3rd dog that the girls, I might have helped a little, coaxed their daddy into letting them have. He was a mutt and ended up being "annoying", for no other word comes to mind right now. He "dissappeared"! Enough Said!

So it became time that we needed another dog. I hope our bad luck has been used up. I am not sure our yard can handle another gravesite.

We found a blue heeler, in Crescent, OK. The girls and Ryan fell in love right at first sight. He already fetches, so we hope that means he has potetional! LOL! I wanted to try a different breed of dog this time, but some farm boy just doesn't believe there is another dog besides a heeler! Ha! Any way we all have fell in love with him today. Even the cat, Fluffy, has already rubbed on him!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Aunt Debbie

Praise the Lord! Aunt Debbie had her surgery yesterday @ 1:00. Grandma Frances called me lastnight and gave me the news. Brian told her all had gone well. The lobe that was infected with cancer was not very big and they believe all of it was removed.

I would like to thank all my friends who prayed for her. I know the Lord heard all of our words and He answered! Isn't He amazing!

Debbie will still be taking Chemo and Radiation (I beileive)! So pray for her still that her body will recover and she will have the strength to endure all the doctor and hospital visits.

Aunt Debbie's faith and courage through this all has amazed me! She had the most positive outlook on this whole thing. She has truly left an impression on me and I thank the Lord that everything went well for her.


For those of you who do not know, Fairview launched a city wide weight loss challenge. They encouraged all the local businesses to put a team together. They did the initial weigh in January 12, 2009. I have no clue to the number of people who acutually joined, but the fitness center was packed the evening of weigh-in. It was really exciting to see the amount of interest this brought from our community. I say that; but now there are at least 7 to 10 cars at the fitness center and I just can not work out with that many people around me! LOL! So I have changed my routine, and go from 9:30 to 11;00. It has been interesting to see people come out and join in! I am excited to see the outcome at our last weigh-in in 3 months!

Any how, I joined the team for the Funeral Home. It consist of Tracy Goodson, Sharla Gould, Ruth Ann Miller, Me, and Ryan Wahl. Yep you read it! LOL! Ryan joined our team. He hasn't changed many of his eating habits, but knowing him, he will still out lose me in the last 2 weeks! That just BURNS ME!!! Ha Ha! But seriouly, our team decided to do a weekly weigh-in among ourselves to keep us motivated. If we gain, we pay $1 for each pound. We will have a box at the office that keeps the money and at the end of the challenge; whoever is the biggest loser in our team-- gets the money!!! Hopefully (for our team), there will be no money to be gotten, but we all know it is hard to lose every week!

So I was going to keep you updated on Ryan and I's total weight loss during the challenge. I know you really want to know!! LOL! As of last Monday, on our first weigh-in between our team; Ryan had lost 1.5 and I had lost 3.5! For many of you, you know I started my weight loss challenge in August. As always I have been struggling and working to keep it off. I even joined the gem, which I swore I would never do!!!! LOL! Anyway with this weeks weight loss, I hit 25 pounds lost since August. PTL! Weight has always been a struggle for me to keep it off, but working out has shown me alot about myself. If I want it bad enough; I am going to have to put the work in and get SWEATY! UUGGG! I hate sweating! LOL!

Time to Catch Up!

Our Little Chef in the Making

Aunt Heather, Uncle Mike, Paige and Tanner came down last weekend. They were unable to come for Abbey's Birthday, so they brought her gift with them. It was the cutest chef outfit! It came with oven mitts, hat, apron, and a mixing spoon! They had put some cookie mixes in, so we baked! Abbey loves to help in the kitchen, so you can just imagine how it exciting this was! She looks so cute all dressed up ready to help! Paige and Rylee baked in the Easy Bake while we were mixing up the cookie dough! It was a fun time in the kitchen!

January 12, 2009 (Abbey's Acual Birthday)

Today was Abbey's Birthday! It was so funny that morning when we woke her up and sang Happy Birthday, she looked at us and said, "I feel so much bigger today!" Everything she did that day, "she said" she did better because 5 year olds can so that better! She cracks me up!! I had invited the family that is in Fairview, to join us for supper at our house. We had Great-Grandparents, both sets of grandparents, and her Great Aunt and Uncle. We over ate, sang happy birthday, and open gifts! It was a wonderful day and evening!

January 11, 2009

Abbey had 5 of her friends from church and school over to celebrate her birthday. We had pizza and cupcakes with icecream. Abbey is in LOVE with Hannah Montana, so that was our theme. I always try to make things more complicated then they need to be. I wanted to plan things for them to do at the house that evening, and Abbey just said, " I want them to come and play!" WOW, that's a simple plan!!! Abbey had the most wonderful evening. She just kept on and on after her friends had left, about how much fun they had all had and no one even argued. The group of kiddos we had, we wonderful! The house did get loud, but it was full of laughter! I just can not believe "my baby" is 5!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Already January 20?!

Wow! Where have I been this month? I do have exciting news....We can finally get high speed internet at out house and they are coming today to install it! Yeah! I will finally get to blog in the comfort of my own home, instead of bumming off everyone else. I know this is silly, but I am so excited!!!

So tonight I will get on and post pics of Abbey Marie's 5th birthday! I know can you believe my baby is 5! I can't! Anyway there will be more later!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well it is that time of the year again. I sat yesterday and started my journal, the same one I start every new year and say I am going to write in it. I always have good intentions, but I never follow through! I just think it would be neat for my girls one day to sit and read about things that went on, struggles I had and made it through, and of course how much I loved them and their daddy. I often question some things I write down; like when Ryan and I have had a disagreement. Then I think, I want them to know marriage DOES take work, it's not always easy! So I just write, because they know I am not perfect and I don't try to act as if I am.

As many of my family and close friends know, Ryan and I celebrated 9 years on December 31. Wow! 9 years and feels like 20! LOL! Just joking! Ryan surprised me and sent flowers. I think this is probably the 4th time he has ever sent flowers. They were beautiful! I worked for half a day at Farm Bureau, so the flowers just brightened my desk and my day. We went to Adam and Nicole's house for the evening. We had such a wonderful time. There were 8 other couples there and we played games and snacked, played games and get the point! LOL! We have enjoyed spending our anniversary (the past 2 years) with this group of friends. We are in the planning stage to do something next year to celebrate our 10 year! We would like to go on some type of trip, we are just brainstorming now. So if any of you have a suggestion, let me know.

As for my New Year's Resolutions, I have made a few:

1. As many of you know I have been working hard to lose weight. I know this will probably always be a struggle for me; but I am going to try to keep up the work. I work out at least 4 days, try for 5, most weeks. I try not to drink much else than water. And I have truly been watching my protion sizes. My goal this year is to maintain this way of life without obssessing over it. I have lost 25 lbs since August. This is huge for me! I feel so much better.

2. Try to join into some group. Since Ryan and I stopped helping with the Jr. High at church, I have become idle. I did start the Bible Study this fall, but then ended up working on the day of the study for the last 4 weeks of it. I am just struggling as to what group I want to join. It seems like so many things go on during the school week, that I hate to give up an evening with my kiddos and husband. This is the area I need to work on the most. I need to reconnect with the women of my church and our community. It becomes so easy for me to isolate myself.

3. Read my Bible EVERY day! This is a huge one in my life. I read it occassionally, but I can truly tell by my attitude or the way life is going that I need to make this a priority.

4. Have more patience with the ones I love. Laugh more often with the ones I love. Treasure the small things that brighten my day. Don't stress all the time about things I have no control over. Live Life! Enjoy Life! LOVE!

I am sure there are so many more things I would like to work on, or as some of you are thinking, that I need to work on. These were the ones that laid on my heart and mind yesterday. I just want to be a mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend that is someone that you will remember as loving life, enjoying family, and living like there is no tomorrow. To each of you that read this, hold me accountable and encourage me.

Now that I have finished rambling, I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year! If you made resolutions, I pray that you stay determined and on track. Enjoy your families and friends, tell them often that you love them and show them through your actions! HAPPY NEW YEAR!