Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Hello friends and family,
I am not sure what we have been up to lately, so I have no excuse for not blogging...Anyway, can you believe it is almost Halloween. I won't tell you we are almost 2 months away from Christmas, but YOU NEED TO LOOK AT THE CALENDAR!!!

Ryan, Mike (our brother-in-law), and Dallas (our family friend) just returned last Wednesday from a week long Elk Hunt in New Mexico. Ryan said they saw plenty of wild life just nothing came close enough to shoot. I love to listen to Ryan explained what he saw, he uses such detail and I feel like I could have been there with him. The first morning they went, they saw at least 200 elk in a group...of course the season was not open on that day, anyway it would have been amazing to see.
We had parent-teacher conferences Tuesday evening before Fall Break. Both girls received good reports. I am very proud of the way my girls behave at school, now if they could just act that way at home HA HA! It is amazing how grown up Abbey has become just from starting Pre-K. Boy does time fly!

Gail's sister Berniece and Larry came down a couple of weeks ago to see their grandson Adam graduate from boot camp. Ryan got to see his cousin Tom for the first time in ALONG time. He was glad for the chance. He brought his 3 girls which our girls just love. Kayla is suppose to be coming to stay at Gail's for a while next summer and my girls are already excited.

Lisa's littlest, Ellary, turned 2 at the beginning of the month. Ellary is getting so big. Ryan and I missed the B-day party, but our girls were there. Thay had a great time seeing their cousins. In case I haven't said yet, Lisa and Micky are expecting number 3! I believe things have been going well and she looked good the other day when we saw her...!

Paige, Heather's daughter, has a new boyfriend! He is a sophomore and plays on the football team. I just can't believe she is old enough to have a boyfriend!!! I am getting OLD!!!

I have started working out with Nicole Martens everyday at the Fitness Center. I think it takes both of us to keep each other motivated. That is what friends are for!!!! We do cardio every other day and toning the others. It has actually been more fun than I thought it would be, but I am sure it has alot to do with my company...I just love her!!!

Anyway things are going well right now. I will try to keep this updated more often, especially with the holidays coming up...I will post pics of the girls in their Halloween costumes and their school parties when that time comes. Until then I hope all is well at your homes!

1 comment:

Nic said...

I'm jealous . . .I want to come to the fitness center with you and Nicole! You were the BEST WW partner for me, I need ya here girl! It's slow going!