Monday, September 22, 2008


WOW! I had no idea that it had been this long since I last wrote...Well first of all...I PASSED THE TEST FOR THE INSURANCE COMPANY! PRAISE GOD!! For those of you that truly know me, this was a huge accomplishment. I STINK at test, so I was stressing, ALOT! Any how I am now a liscensed Customer Service Rep. for Major County Farm Bureau. I will start training soon.
I am sure everyone has heard about the flood that happened in Fairview almost 2 weeks ago. I took some pictures of Kelly and Gails pond and creek; along with some pics of the town and the highway going North out of town. So that is what the slide is.

Last week while I was doing laundry and cleaning up a little, Abbey wanted to play with play dough in the kitchen. After a while she came running to me so excited to show me her latest creation. When I got there she had made "me" out of the I thought I would share myself with you.

After I took the picture she came back to me and said that she had make the entire family now, so this is what our family looks like in the mind of my 4 year old..(HA HA)!!

2 weeks ago Abbey had her first real "school project" or as she said "homework like Rylee". She was to make a family page for her book at school. She picked out some pics smiling from ear to ear the entire time. Every 5 secs (not exaggerating) she would say, "This is so exciting, isn't it mom?" or "I am so excited, I can't wait." It was so much fun to see her get so excited about this, she just seemed too big. So here is her finished school project, I just had to share it with all of you..


Sweet Pea said...

Congratulations on passing the test!!!! I knew you would pass! Have fun training!

Nic said...

I can't believe all the flooding. We kept up through Jay and Karbers. We were so sad to hear about our old house flooding, all that flooring was SO new and Jason put so much love into installing it. Hope everyone is dry now!! Miss ya!