Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How Will I Remember It All.....

Well, I know it has been awhile since an update...this is a crazy week. I started my schooling for FB insurance this week. It is in OKC, so I have been staying at Mike and Heather's house. It has been nice getting to spend some one on one time with Paige. We went to Target (my favorite store and Paige's) and shopped for the girls some fall clothes. It was a nice break from the schooling earlier. We are in a classroom from 8 to 5 with an hour lunch. I know it doesn't sound bad, but they go through ALOT of info...I have no idea HOW I AM GOING TO REMEMBER ALL OF IT! It is crazy...and some of the things I have learned; made me realize we are definitely under-covered on our insurance...house and car!!! I actually get excited to think I may have a PROFESSION one of these days. Not that I don't think being a STAY AT HOME MOM as being a profession, I see it more as being a gift that I was able to stay at home while my babies were babies...I STILL cannot believe Abbey is in school. No matter where life leads me from here on, I will always know that raising my children and staying home with them all these years, is the most rewarding job I will ever have. I have missed my family, Ryan included LOL!, so much this week...I am so ready to head home tomorrow evening. I will have to say my man is such a good daddy. He didn't even freak out when he realized he would be getting the girls up for school, fixing hair, helping them dress, baths at night, going over spelling words, and reading books for 3 nights all by himself. Although I will say "He probably didn't do it the way I do!" LOL!! I love him and he still amazes me with the challenges he is willing to take head on! LOL! Well I will write again after I make it safely home to Fairview. Hope everyone is well.


Nic said...

You have had a long week! I agree, being home with our kids is the most rewarding job we'll ever have!! Have a good weekend with your family!

Big Sis said...

Good luck on your test. Study hard. Be positive and pray! You will do fine!