Monday, August 25, 2008

Bear with me...

Hi family and friends,
This is all so new to me, so please bear with me... My friend Nicole Quiring has a blog and I love catching up with her and seeing her kiddos grow, so I thought this would be a fun way for all of you to keep up with the Wahls. I am going to try to download pictures tomorrow, but for now I just wanted to catch everyone up.
Just so you know... Rylee started 2nd grade this year and already loves her teacher, Mrs. Donna Wion. I had her when I was in 2nd grade...not that I am aging her. She was so excited to start school and even more excited when she found out her friend, Briley Sims was going to be in the same class. Those of you from my class know Briley's mom, Michelle Nazworth Sims. The only thing that worries her is there is no homework, she doesn't care for that detail. She told me, "Mom, I NEED homework!" She learn to live without though.
Abbey started Pre-K this year and loves her teachers also, Mrs. Jackie McGolden and Mrs. Gina Harrison. They already went on a short field trip to the County Fair on the "Peanut Bus". Best day of her life if you ask her. She has her bestfriend in her class, which is Sydney Martens (Nicole and Adam Marten's daughter).
Ryan is working for Bill Stockton and he runs equipment and does mostly oil field work. We sold the cattle trailer and are in the process of selling the Peterbilt. We still rent a ranch and run 100 cows and calves. We still farm wheat, but only about 100 acres. We would rather have grass and cows. I think we are going to partner with Ryan's dad Kelly and run more cattle this year. It has been about 3 years since we have bought cattle and grazed them on wheat, so pray that all will go well. Ryan has taken up horse riding and enjoys to go on the ranch and ride. I am trying to learn to love it as much as him, but he has such a way with horse, I think my can smell my fear. LOL!
Then there is me...I am working as a fill-in for the Major County Farm Bureau as office help and the Fairview Funeral Home...anyone who knows me probably can't believe the second. I don't deal with death well. I warned my bosses that I cry even if I didn't know the person; and yes, I have cried while handing out the folders as people come in...Oh well it is a natural reaction...I am emotional what can I say. I am still staying home this year, but there may be future plans to work next year when both girls are in school all day long. I still love being a farmer's wife. Ryan has taught me so many things I never knew. He still amazes me with the wide range of knowledge he posses. I grow more in love with him as time goes by.
Well that is a little catch up on the Wahls' lives. I will get some pictures put on soon and hope you all enjoy getting to know us better...

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