Friday, August 29, 2008

I Messed Up...

I was trying to change the songs, because 2 different songs were playing, and some how deleted one of the slide shows. Oooops! So I had to put the slide show back on and obviously it posted in a new place...Oh well. Nothing new happened last night. The girls are all excited because Paige and Tanner are coming tonight and the annual Car Show is in town tomorrow. I am sure there will be new pictures Monday. Everyone enjoy the extended weekend and have a safe holiday.

Photos by Kim Dow

Rewind....Pictures from 2007

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life ....

Well, no pics to put on today. The Wednesday night life started lastnight. It is that time already. Rylee goes to King's Kids at the Methodist Church after school. She loves it! She's always so excited to tell us all about what they did that day and who her teacher was. She informed me yesterday that she has a "boyfriend", I said does he know this, "Yes, he likes it that I call him that." Then goes on to tell me that her best friend likes him also. I asked her, "What do you think about that?" "I am alright with that, she is my friend." Oh to be young again!LOL Abbey goes to the Mennonite Brethren on Wed. night, to the AWANA program. She is a cubby. She was so excited to go lastnight. This is the first year she is in a "big girl" class. After church we discussed what they had learned. She turned very serious and said, "Did you know at one time there was not a thing on the earth?" I told her I did know that. "Were you here when it was just darkness?" I said no and she said, "What do you think it would have been like?" I replied that it would not have been much fun. She said, "That is what I was thinking, thank you for having me as a baby." And that is how our conversation went. I don't know where the last remark came from, but I told her your welcome and then she sang. I love those conversations. My girls are just growing up way too fast. I like it when they are just my little girls, playing at the house....just being. Anyway I guess it is official today. Major County Farm Bureau offered me a full-time secretary position and I accepted. They are sending me to school in September to get my license and then Margaret will train with me for a while, and when she is ready to retire, I guess I will move in. I am not sure when she is going to yet, but she wants to make sure I know what I am doing, thank goodness. Well life is....going. I have to brag will quick. Rylee made a 105 on her first spelling test, they have 10 spelling words and 5 challenge words..I am so proud of her. Way to go Ry!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Wahls' Little Red Cabin

I came across some pictures from vacation lastnight and decided to go ahead and put some on here, even though we went the end of May. Many of you know the family has a cabin on Table Rock Lake, Shellnob, Missouri. At the end of the school year, we took our girls and our family friends with 3 boys (Dallas and Misti Cooper; Denton, Austin, and Sterling). We all had so much fun we went back at the end of July with my sister's family joining us also. Due to all the flooding Missouri had this year, the boat dock was torn up when we first arrived, so Ryan and Dallas fixed it first thing. So many memories have been made at the Little Red Cabin, not only by our family and friends, but by all the families of Lyndon Wahl, Dorothy Rusch, and Iona Suderman. We love to come to this lake. Ours girls had a great time, and I think the Cooper boys did too. Hope you enjoy. Oh by the way the catfish picture is Denton Cooper and Ryan. They caught it on a line they sat the night before. It weighed about 3 to 4 lbs I think. Enjoy...

Our Typical Evening....

Just a few pics of the family last night. The girls sure do love their daddy. Rylee would live on the trampoline if we would let her....she makes me sooo nervous. The higher she goes, the higher my nervousness gets. Rylee has become such a wonderful reader. She reads us all a bedtime story. Abbey keeps telling me, "I am going to be as good as Rylee at reading some day." I am sure she will, she is a little sponge. My girls are so full of energy, if I could have just a drop of it... Well I just liked the pics...hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back In The Saddle Again

For those of you who do not know, last year our Rylee fell off a horse and broke her leg...I think it was more traumatic for me than her. Of course it was during the school year and all her wonderful class mates enjoyed catering to her every need, as did her little sister Abbey. Well we hit a milestone last weekend; Rylee got on a pony and rode by herself for a little while. She has ridden a little before then, but this was HER idea and she rode for awhile. I just wanted to share some pics of this wonderful moment with you. Ryan and I were so proud of remember being told, "If you fall off a horse you have to get back on" I believe this is easier said then done.

Trying to figure out the pics...

Well, I figured out how to download my pics, now I just have to figure out how to down-size them..Oh well at least they are on there..I will get it figured out. Somehow I did not get any picture of Rylee on her first day of 2nd grade..I feel awful, we always do the picture first thing in the morning, I don't know how we forgot it. Hope you enjoy the pics...The little girl with Abbey is her best friend Sydney Martens (Nicole Hasty Marten's daughter). The little boy is Britten Sims, he is Abbey's friend and my sister's nephew.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bear with me...

Hi family and friends,
This is all so new to me, so please bear with me... My friend Nicole Quiring has a blog and I love catching up with her and seeing her kiddos grow, so I thought this would be a fun way for all of you to keep up with the Wahls. I am going to try to download pictures tomorrow, but for now I just wanted to catch everyone up.
Just so you know... Rylee started 2nd grade this year and already loves her teacher, Mrs. Donna Wion. I had her when I was in 2nd grade...not that I am aging her. She was so excited to start school and even more excited when she found out her friend, Briley Sims was going to be in the same class. Those of you from my class know Briley's mom, Michelle Nazworth Sims. The only thing that worries her is there is no homework, she doesn't care for that detail. She told me, "Mom, I NEED homework!" She learn to live without though.
Abbey started Pre-K this year and loves her teachers also, Mrs. Jackie McGolden and Mrs. Gina Harrison. They already went on a short field trip to the County Fair on the "Peanut Bus". Best day of her life if you ask her. She has her bestfriend in her class, which is Sydney Martens (Nicole and Adam Marten's daughter).
Ryan is working for Bill Stockton and he runs equipment and does mostly oil field work. We sold the cattle trailer and are in the process of selling the Peterbilt. We still rent a ranch and run 100 cows and calves. We still farm wheat, but only about 100 acres. We would rather have grass and cows. I think we are going to partner with Ryan's dad Kelly and run more cattle this year. It has been about 3 years since we have bought cattle and grazed them on wheat, so pray that all will go well. Ryan has taken up horse riding and enjoys to go on the ranch and ride. I am trying to learn to love it as much as him, but he has such a way with horse, I think my can smell my fear. LOL!
Then there is me...I am working as a fill-in for the Major County Farm Bureau as office help and the Fairview Funeral Home...anyone who knows me probably can't believe the second. I don't deal with death well. I warned my bosses that I cry even if I didn't know the person; and yes, I have cried while handing out the folders as people come in...Oh well it is a natural reaction...I am emotional what can I say. I am still staying home this year, but there may be future plans to work next year when both girls are in school all day long. I still love being a farmer's wife. Ryan has taught me so many things I never knew. He still amazes me with the wide range of knowledge he posses. I grow more in love with him as time goes by.
Well that is a little catch up on the Wahls' lives. I will get some pictures put on soon and hope you all enjoy getting to know us better...