Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Finally Re-united

On Saturday, September 19, 2009 my grandmother, Buelah May Nacke, passed away in Mesa, Arizonia. She had slowly declined in health for the past few years. Hospice had taken her to a home where they could help her be comfortable, and she passed away soon after arriving. My grandpa, Louis Casper, has been gone since 1997, so this a a reunion long awaited for by family and by the 2 of them.

I will not be attending her funeral, but I am at peace. Earlier this year, my sister, mom and I all went to Arizonia to visit my Aunt Kathy who was dying due to cancer. While we were there we went to visit my grandma, the first time in many years. It amazed me how she still seemed the same, maybe a little slower and a few more wrinkles; but it was the grandma I pictured in my mind so many times in memories of the past.

There are so many memories I have with my grandparents. They painted together in Mesa for many years. They would travel to each of their children's homes during the summer and bring hand-made items. I still have a rocker they made. Every spring break, my family would load in a car and head to Mesa. There were relatives to visit and card games to be played. My most cherished memories of them is the times we went fishing. I loved to fish with them. We would laugh and talk, and just be grandparents and grandchildren.

As I sit here and type and think out loud, my heart is heavy. Not only did I lose my grandma, but she is the last grandparent that I had. Every day I feel thankful that my children have so many grandparents to surround them and love them. Although I am so sad; I am thankful that she did not have to suffer long and that she is not only with her Heavenly Father, but she is together with the man of her life, Grandpa!

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