Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Table Rock Lake

I love family vacations, and inviting our friends that are just like family. This was our 2nd annual Wahl/Coopers/Nazworth & Reihm Table Rock Vacation. We had a good time and enjoyed the weather, even though it was cloudy and rainy 2 of the 4 days. The kiddos all had fun fishing, slip & sliding, jumping from cliffs, fireworks, eating & eating, and just swimming from the dock.

This year we did something new and made a trip 30 minutes away to Roaring River National Park. It is a river that comes out of a mountain. They have a trout hatchery there. It was so neat to see the trout from all different sizes. It was raining when we walked around, so I didn't take any pics. We did trout fish for a few hours, even in the rain at times. It was amazing to see the trout right in the river and watch them go after someone's bait. I actually caught 2. The first one I had on shore and a little helper thought it needed cleaned more and away it went. The second one fell off the hook right at the shore line, and the same thing happened to Misty also. Dallas was the only one that actually found it's way to a stringer and went to the cabin with us. It was an exciting day, we will definetly go back next time.

Later that evening we did fireworks and sat on the dock and watched hundreds of them going off all around the lake shore. It was so pretty to watch. The kiddos did sparklers and enjoyed the show.

We always try to rent a boat for a day while we are there. This is year was no different. We enjoyed exploring new areas of the lake and found some cliffs for the boys to jump off. We found a pebble beach for the little ones to play and swim off. Abbey found more seashells to add to her collection. The adults enjoyed the ride and jumped in to cool off!

The last day at the lake, the boys finally caught a fish on their trot line...a 4 lb flat-head cafish. Of course with it being our last day, we set the fish free but not before we took a pic of it.

Before we could leave, we always have to visit the cliffs and the rope hanging from the bridge. Ryan, Denton, and Austin all enjoyed jumping off the cliffs and falling from the rope for about 2 hours. While we were there, there were 6 young (around 15 years of age) kids jump off the bridge itself. That is just crazy to me!

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