Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mini Get-away to Houston

This past weekend, the family went to vist Aunt Diane in Houston...of course the trip wasn't long enough; but we all had a great time! I am sure Aunt Diane needed a day to recover from our whirlwind of 2 days.

The first afternoon we took the girls to her club house swimming pool and they played and played...and then they talked Aunt Diane into playing! We took a tour of the club house and the surrounding houses. It was such a beautiful community. We went to dinner and home! It was a full and fun evening.

The second day, I think we were trying to see how much we could cram into 12 hours...we tried to do it all! We went to Galveston and showed the girls the ocean for their first time..and they collected so many shells (with the help of Aunt Diane of course) and they ran through the water. We ate a seafood lunch of course and drove throught the city to look at the damage still left from Hurricane Ike. It was amazing to see the damage still there after a year.

Then Aunt Diane wanted to take the girls to Kemah Boardwalk and they had a blast. So did we watching them on all the rides. It surprised me that both of them enjoyed all the rides so much. We ate pizza from The Pizza Oven, which was delicious! Fed the catfish from the dock, which was kind of distrubing how many were piled on top of each other in the water. The girls won their colorful dolphins at a game, with the help of Aunt Diane and daddy. They rode more rides, and we called it a day at 11:00 p.m.

The girls had a wonderful time! They LOVE their Aunt Diane!! And she LOVES them too! Ryan and I enjoyed the get away and the company of Aunt Diane. She helped make it a trip the girls will never forget... THANK YOU AUNT DIANE! WE ALL LOVE YOU!


Sweet Pea said...

I'm glad you had a good time. The pool in the photos looks awesome. The pictures of Ryan on the beach with his boots and cowboy hat made me laugh because that is SO like my brother Daniel. Loved all the pics!

Nic said...

That's where you were . . . missed you!! You were in my stomping grounds! I love Houston, glad you guys had a good time! Loved the pics!