Monday, November 9, 2009

Ryan's first deer...for the hunting season

Ryan shot his first deer during muzzle loader season (black powder rifle). He was a nice 6 point and looked wide on pics we had of him...but when Ryan got him home to measure, he wasn't as wide as he had hoped...Oh well, we still have rifle season that opens in 2 weeks! Yeah!

For those of you that have not heard yet...Ryan broke his leg on October 28th. He was taking the girls to school in the morning and missed the last 2 steps on our porch. When he fell his left foot went over and his right knee landed above the left ankle, breaking the fibula bone. We went to a doctor in Fairview, only to have his ankle pushed on in the spots and asked to stand. No xrays were taken, we were told he had a spranged ankle and that he should wear his cowboy boots or lace up boots while he walked. Elevate it when he could and take some IBrofen for the swelling. We worked cattle the next day and he hunted the two evenings. We he woke Friday is leg looked terrible and ached even more. We went to the Urgent Care Center in Enid, where the first thing the nurse did was take him to get his foot xrayed. The first thing the doctor told him when she came in the door is. "Well it's broke, but I think you two knew that." Then we were set up an appt with an ortho doctor, which gave him a walking cast.

Needless to say, Ryan is very lucky that he did not need surgery. We are so frustrated with the Fairview Clinic right now, and I have not been to visit with them yet, but I intend to visit as soon as I know I can do it calmly. We are headed to the ortho to get a check up and make sure his bone is healing correctly.

YF&R State Convention

This past weekend Ryan and I, along with 3 other couples from our Young Farmers & Ranchers group went to OKC for the State Convention. We stayed at the Skirvin Hotel, which was very nice and ritzy! We went to meetings and went out to eat with friends. It was a nice get away. Our county group won the YF&R Event of the Year with our "Hog Wrestling" event that we put on at the Major County Fair. It was exciting to win, considering this was our first year to have an active group for a while. Any how, it was a fun weekend.

Before we left for the weekend, I took Abbey to the doctor Friday, with fever and coughing and found out she had influenza A. She had already had the worst of it so my parents kept them, since our rooms had already been paid for. When we returned home, Abbey was feeling alot better and Rylee was starting all the symptoms. Needless to say both girls stayed home today with me. They both seem to be doing better.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Family Night!

The Fairview City Library held a Family Night at the library on October 20. They had 25 families represented there, I believe this was more than they expected. They had arts and crafts, snacks, games, bingo, and pumpkin decorating available. My kiddos had a great time!

They are planning on doing this once a month with a civic organization putting it on.


GO CRUSH! Abbey's soccer team "Crush" coached by Johnny and Sara Pendegraft, went undefeated this fall season. The kiddos amazed me at how much better they did than last Spring season. So many of them found the athlete inside! They did an awesome job!!

After the game, the team met back at the Pizza Hut to celebrate their winning season!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Finally Re-united

On Saturday, September 19, 2009 my grandmother, Buelah May Nacke, passed away in Mesa, Arizonia. She had slowly declined in health for the past few years. Hospice had taken her to a home where they could help her be comfortable, and she passed away soon after arriving. My grandpa, Louis Casper, has been gone since 1997, so this a a reunion long awaited for by family and by the 2 of them.

I will not be attending her funeral, but I am at peace. Earlier this year, my sister, mom and I all went to Arizonia to visit my Aunt Kathy who was dying due to cancer. While we were there we went to visit my grandma, the first time in many years. It amazed me how she still seemed the same, maybe a little slower and a few more wrinkles; but it was the grandma I pictured in my mind so many times in memories of the past.

There are so many memories I have with my grandparents. They painted together in Mesa for many years. They would travel to each of their children's homes during the summer and bring hand-made items. I still have a rocker they made. Every spring break, my family would load in a car and head to Mesa. There were relatives to visit and card games to be played. My most cherished memories of them is the times we went fishing. I loved to fish with them. We would laugh and talk, and just be grandparents and grandchildren.

As I sit here and type and think out loud, my heart is heavy. Not only did I lose my grandma, but she is the last grandparent that I had. Every day I feel thankful that my children have so many grandparents to surround them and love them. Although I am so sad; I am thankful that she did not have to suffer long and that she is not only with her Heavenly Father, but she is together with the man of her life, Grandpa!

Band Queen Coronation...

Every year "The Pride", Fairview's school band, crown a senior girl as Band Queen. In 1996 I had the honor of being crowned; so I was truly excited when Abbey was asked to carry out the flowers for the Band Queen coronation. She was so excited to get dressed up and to walk with her fellow classmate Sawyer Hutchison. We asked Sara Hurst, Emma's mom, to fix her hair before hand. She was princess for the evening and enjoyed every bit of it. She and Sawyer did an excellent job and looked so nice that evening. Hope you enjoy the pics.

We took some pics up in the stands and right before the half time show. I love the ones of her buddies. The three girls have become real close this year, they are in the same kindergaten class. Emma Hurst and Sydney Martens, Sydney and Abbey have been good friends for along time. The little boy, Ian Unruh, is one of Abbey's best buddies. She loves to play with him at school and church.

A few snap shots before the big events!

This is Abbey and Sawyer walking out toward the field and on the field with "The Pride" behind them. They did an excellent job, but both of them started looking behing them when the Queen was being crowned.

Here are a few pics of Abbey with some of her family after the crowning.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's Soccer Time!

Abbey is taking fall soccer this year. Rylee decided she didn't want to play now, but she will in the Spring. Abbey's team's name is "Crush". Sara Pendergraft is her coach and does an awesome job with all 12 little ones.

Their first game was suppose to be last Saturday, but due to the blessed rain, we played lastnight. The team did great with team work. They beat Ringwood's team 6 to 0. Abbey was so excited!! Here are a few pics from the game.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pig Wrestling...?

You know your a redneck, or from a small town, when.... for entertainment, and a fundraiser for Young Farmers and Ranchers, you participate in a Pig Wrestling Contest at the Major County Fair. At the end of August, Nicole Martens, Daniel Koehn, Ryan and I joined in at the fair on a team. Our team was sponsored by Charlie Burlison from my work, so our team name was " Charlie's Angels". We came in with a score of 12 seconds, not so bad; but first place did it in 6.4 seconds!

Nicole and I stayed clean through the entire chasing of the pig. Ryan decided to help me get dirty and in return I decided to take Nicole down...

It was truly a fun, unusual, time!! Just another memory for Nicole and I to add to our lives knowing each other...Love ya girl...we will do it again next year!

Friday, August 21, 2009

School Year 2009-2010

Well, the first day of school came and the girls had a wonderful day. Rylee thought it was so much to change classes. She is in the 3rd grade and upstairs this year.

Abbey loved school! Her best part of the day was eating in the cafeteria and getting to carry her own food :) She loved PE and getting to go to recess. She has a lot her friends in her class and loves her teachers.

Here are their pics for the first day of the school for 2009-2010!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School Enrollment Today!

Wow I cannot believe that as of this Thursday, summer vacation is officially over! Where did the time go.. Although we did alot of small trips this year as a family, first time ever!!

When I get home tonight I am going to find the pics of the first day of school last year and add them to this blog, and on Thursday I will put on our new year! I cannot believe my little Rylee Hunter is going to be in the 3rd grade. That is on the 2nd story of the school. They will rotate classes for each subject and take notes during class. I have this feeling, my Ry Bug is going to grow up ALOT this year. She is excited to get back to the swing of things and see her friends every day, but she really isn't ready for summer to be gone.

Then there is our baby, Abbey Marie. She has done alot of growing up over the summer. She and Rylee taught her how to tie shoes, and Abbey is so proud of herself, she just beams!! She will be in all day Kindegarten this year!! I know it seems just like yesterday taking her to pre-school and now ALL DAY SCHOOL!! Wow!

Now what am I suppose to call myself..I can't be a stay at home mom, if none of my kiddos are home?? LOL!! I think I will be picking up quite a few more workdays during the school year and I am sure there will be projects started on our home, I truly doubt I will get bored :) That is about all the update I have for now, it has been a crazy few weeks, but nothing to report on...Hope everyone has a good start to the new school year.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Painting and Painting AGAIN!

Well, I have been wanting to paint my house and I just could not choose a color. My mom was over one day and we talked and I talked myself into a color, let's just say that is outside my box. I went to the store, bought the primer and paint, and back home to scrape and get started. After I had put the primer on, I promised my 2 wonderful helpers they could help paint. So we did....

And this is the color we had! Wow, it's really blue :)....

We left it this color for 2 days. Ryan and I couldn't get use to it, it drew too much attention to the house and it was just too bright for us. So, I went to the lumber yard and picked out a shade of my first choice and started painting . . . AGAIN!

So the end result.....a green house, which was my first choice and is sooo me :)

We are planning on painting everything that is white and the garage door this color, but for now that is all that I have accomplished, but I LOVE the color :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What a Weekend...

Sunday, after a long week, we decided to go eat lunch at The Overlook on Canton Lake and take the girls swimming. Abbey has gotten so brave since her swimming lessons. I love watching her be more active when we are swimming. Of course there is Rylee who is like a little fish and could live in the water. They had a blast. They made "new friends" at the lake. They play with anyone they meet, which is a wonderful quality and I am so thankful that both my girls have acquired it. Ryan and I swam with them for about 30 minutes and then we were through, but the girls swam for about 2 hours. It was hot that day, only 108 I think. Needless to say, even with sunscreen we all had a pinkish/red hue to us.

After swimming at the lake we went for a drive West of Fairview to see the damage left behind by the fires that had been going since Friday. It has been said that someone saw a suspicious person lighting the fire; but I do not know how it started. It sarted in Chester and by Sunday was in Cheyenne Valley, a few miles West of Fairview. It was unbelievable seeing how the fire had jumped from one farm to another, leaving a farm in between untouched. I am so grateful that noone lost their homes or lives. There were some cattle lost and equipment, but thankfully that can be replaced.