Friday, October 24, 2008

A Sad Week...

This week has been a shock on me. My older sister had a classmate that passed away on Monday. When I heard the news, I was sad for her family and then as I called my sister and visited with her, my heart grew even heavier. I sat and thought of the friends of yesterdays, that have moved on in life and have families of their own. I remember the laughter, the sleepovers, the fights over boys, the sports where we learned teamwork and just the togetherness and friendships made throughout the school years. Many of the friendships starting way back in Kindegarten.

As I sat and day dreamed, it occured to me; there are so many of my classmates I truly have no idea where they are, how they are or if they are married or have kids. So many adult friends that have touched my life and my familys' and moved away, that I wish I stayed in contact with but always have an excuse to why I haven't. Then the saddest thing hit me, and those of you that know me...know me, I wondered what I would do if I didn't get another chance to talk about the good 'ol days, or laugh about all the mishaps when we were younger. Or tell someone how they helped me find my way or shaped me into the wife, mother, friend, and Christian that I have become today. Did I ever tell them thank you or just assume they knew.

There will be some of you that read this, that I hope you know it is directed to you. Not to point fingers, but Nicole Q. you have influenced my life in so many through out the years, and most of them when you probably didn't even know I was watching or listening. My marriage was helped in a time that I truly needed a friend to listen, my mothering was influence just by watching you, and my heart was lifted just with your hugs and smiles and our conversations. You, my dear friend will always be a blessing in my life far or near.

Then there is Nicole M. who has brought me out of my shell more than once in the past few years. She is my constant. I love to call her just to talk, or go watch "NCIS or The Starter Wife" when my husband is out of town, or to work out with and keep me going. Nic has been in my life since Kindegarten. I have always treasured her in my heart and now that she lives in Fairview, it has been amazing to rekindle the friendship and watch our children grow up together.

Marshalene helps me remember anything is possible with God on our side. I love to watch her and Brad with Hunter. My heart swells every time.

My sister. She could take up pages, but she knows she is my best friend. I can always rely on her if I need something or if I just want to hang out. It makes me laugh to think when I was little (and 7 years difference) how annoying I know I must have been! LOL!

Sorry I know there are so many more of you that have touched my life somehow, please know I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So this week I worked 2 days straight, calling classmates of my sister's class and getting emails or calling their parents to track them down. You all have no idea how many strangers have a message from me asking them to call if they graduated in 1989 from Fairview, OK. I think my sister only has about 8 people they could not get any info on. I am convinced this is a God Thing! How else would we have been able to get a hold of 55 or more classmates from 1989 in 48 hours. He amazes me more and more every day. I will end with a quote from a local in Fairview that Ryan and I try to remember when we are in a low...

"Even when it is bad, He gives us more than we deserve" AMEN

1 comment:

Nic said...

You have me crying! Thanks for such nice words about me; it's so encouraging to know we do make a difference in our friends lives when we are so busy with our own life sometimes! I count you as a dear friend too!! Love ya girl!!