Monday, September 22, 2008


WOW! I had no idea that it had been this long since I last wrote...Well first of all...I PASSED THE TEST FOR THE INSURANCE COMPANY! PRAISE GOD!! For those of you that truly know me, this was a huge accomplishment. I STINK at test, so I was stressing, ALOT! Any how I am now a liscensed Customer Service Rep. for Major County Farm Bureau. I will start training soon.
I am sure everyone has heard about the flood that happened in Fairview almost 2 weeks ago. I took some pictures of Kelly and Gails pond and creek; along with some pics of the town and the highway going North out of town. So that is what the slide is.

Last week while I was doing laundry and cleaning up a little, Abbey wanted to play with play dough in the kitchen. After a while she came running to me so excited to show me her latest creation. When I got there she had made "me" out of the I thought I would share myself with you.

After I took the picture she came back to me and said that she had make the entire family now, so this is what our family looks like in the mind of my 4 year old..(HA HA)!!

2 weeks ago Abbey had her first real "school project" or as she said "homework like Rylee". She was to make a family page for her book at school. She picked out some pics smiling from ear to ear the entire time. Every 5 secs (not exaggerating) she would say, "This is so exciting, isn't it mom?" or "I am so excited, I can't wait." It was so much fun to see her get so excited about this, she just seemed too big. So here is her finished school project, I just had to share it with all of you..

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How Will I Remember It All.....

Well, I know it has been awhile since an update...this is a crazy week. I started my schooling for FB insurance this week. It is in OKC, so I have been staying at Mike and Heather's house. It has been nice getting to spend some one on one time with Paige. We went to Target (my favorite store and Paige's) and shopped for the girls some fall clothes. It was a nice break from the schooling earlier. We are in a classroom from 8 to 5 with an hour lunch. I know it doesn't sound bad, but they go through ALOT of info...I have no idea HOW I AM GOING TO REMEMBER ALL OF IT! It is crazy...and some of the things I have learned; made me realize we are definitely under-covered on our and car!!! I actually get excited to think I may have a PROFESSION one of these days. Not that I don't think being a STAY AT HOME MOM as being a profession, I see it more as being a gift that I was able to stay at home while my babies were babies...I STILL cannot believe Abbey is in school. No matter where life leads me from here on, I will always know that raising my children and staying home with them all these years, is the most rewarding job I will ever have. I have missed my family, Ryan included LOL!, so much this week...I am so ready to head home tomorrow evening. I will have to say my man is such a good daddy. He didn't even freak out when he realized he would be getting the girls up for school, fixing hair, helping them dress, baths at night, going over spelling words, and reading books for 3 nights all by himself. Although I will say "He probably didn't do it the way I do!" LOL!! I love him and he still amazes me with the challenges he is willing to take head on! LOL! Well I will write again after I make it safely home to Fairview. Hope everyone is well.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


We had Sydney over Tuesday after school.. Those two did about everything they could think of in the 4 hours they played. They were barbies, cooks, mom and daughter, and queens and princesses. I loved listening to them laugh. It is amazing the things they came up with. Then we had Abbey's buddy Britten over Wednesday. Totally different...they were hunters, cowboys, farmers, and runners. They ran and ran and ran all over the house...I don't know WHERE they get their energy. Any way here are some pics...

Labor Day Weekend...

We had a quiet weekend. Paige and Tanner came Friday night and stayed until Monday afternoon. My girls LOVE it when they come and stay with us...and so do I. They have grown up so much in the past few years. Paige is in HIGH SCHOOL! Tanner is in JR.HIGH! WOW!!! The time seemed to go by sooo fast! Any how here are some new pics of the 4 kiddos..Paige and I took the kids to the magic show in town Saturday...Boy were we sooo HAPPY! when we saw the show last 1HOUR instead of 30 minutes. It was great! LOL! It was so fun and entertaining to listen to Rylee explain how she thought the tricks were done...(she is so smart) I know she is my daughter but I can still is all moms' rights to brag! LOL!