Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wow, Where Have I Been...

Isn't it funny how time just gets away from us, and now 2 months later I realize I haven't been on my blog in a long time....

Christmas came and went way too fast. We had a wonderful holiday season with all of our families. This New Year's Eve, Ryan and I celebrated 10 years!! We are hoping to take a belated trip later this year.

January 12, my baby, Abbey turned 6!!! She had a party at the bowling alley and she had a blast!!

I hope everyone is doing well. It seems the economy has hit us hard. We are trying to sell 1 pickup and my car right now. We sold our hot tub already, it was just something that was not necessary and it could help make a payment. I am trying to keep my head bowed and hit my knees when I start to stress; but the human side of me wants to fix it right now and I know I cannot do it alone! I just ask that you keep us in your prayers, that we can sell some things and get out of the debt we are in. I would also ask that you pray that the Lord will be working on me. I don't want to share specifics, He already knows my heart, just ask that He be with me and that I will feel Him there.

I will try to keep up better now...Hope everyone is well :)