Friday, August 21, 2009

School Year 2009-2010

Well, the first day of school came and the girls had a wonderful day. Rylee thought it was so much to change classes. She is in the 3rd grade and upstairs this year.

Abbey loved school! Her best part of the day was eating in the cafeteria and getting to carry her own food :) She loved PE and getting to go to recess. She has a lot her friends in her class and loves her teachers.

Here are their pics for the first day of the school for 2009-2010!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School Enrollment Today!

Wow I cannot believe that as of this Thursday, summer vacation is officially over! Where did the time go.. Although we did alot of small trips this year as a family, first time ever!!

When I get home tonight I am going to find the pics of the first day of school last year and add them to this blog, and on Thursday I will put on our new year! I cannot believe my little Rylee Hunter is going to be in the 3rd grade. That is on the 2nd story of the school. They will rotate classes for each subject and take notes during class. I have this feeling, my Ry Bug is going to grow up ALOT this year. She is excited to get back to the swing of things and see her friends every day, but she really isn't ready for summer to be gone.

Then there is our baby, Abbey Marie. She has done alot of growing up over the summer. She and Rylee taught her how to tie shoes, and Abbey is so proud of herself, she just beams!! She will be in all day Kindegarten this year!! I know it seems just like yesterday taking her to pre-school and now ALL DAY SCHOOL!! Wow!

Now what am I suppose to call myself..I can't be a stay at home mom, if none of my kiddos are home?? LOL!! I think I will be picking up quite a few more workdays during the school year and I am sure there will be projects started on our home, I truly doubt I will get bored :) That is about all the update I have for now, it has been a crazy few weeks, but nothing to report on...Hope everyone has a good start to the new school year.